Leadership courses for project managers

"Delivers the perfect transition model from 'project management' to 'project leadership,' so much needed in our turbulent times. I trust that every project manager will appreciate and take advantage of the knowledge and experience shared."

André Baken, CEO & Founder of Real-Time-Change


Ukemi Way’s Flagship Course for the Agile Manager

  • Produce superior outcomes in your projects.
  • Increase your capacity to influence outcomes.
  • Lead difficult conversations with poise and impact.
  • Lead collaboratively without impeding team autonomy.

The natural next step beyond PMP and Agile certification to move from management to leadership.

 Earn 8 PDUs


Self-Paced e-Course

Limited-Time Discount



"Absolutely wonderful content packaged into a concise delivery."

James T., Project Leader

What Is Intentional Communication?

Intentional Communication is the skill of observing, assessing and designing effective conversations to mobilize teams into fulfilling project commitments effectively.

Beyond the fast-paced world of Agile and process-oriented Project Management expertise, project leadership is what separates top performers from the pack.

Who is this for?

If you're an experienced Agile Project Manager, or SCRUM Master who wants to ...

  • Improve your ability to influence project outcomes
  • Focus your team for better performance
  • Speak and act in ways that project confidence and leadership
  • Take the next leap in your career from managing to leading
  • Be noticed as the emerging leader to be trusted with greater responsibilities

... then this course is for you. It is your move towards a breakthrough in leadership.

"Had me consider the importance of ‘who I am being’ in contrast to ‘what I am doing’ with respect to getting results."

Sharlene B., Project Manager


Five self-paced video modules

Assignments and an online forum

A free copy of "The Ukemi Way" ebook 

Certificate of completion for your PDUs

"Gave me insight on how to 'intentionally' plan and construct conversations before I have them. This will be valuable as I approach difficult conversations with my management, employees and stakeholders."

L. R., Senior Manager

From Agile Manager to Agile Leader

Intentional Communication propels you into a leadership posture beyond the process and methodology of Agile.

This self-directed Intentional Communication course is designed to help you move quickly into uniquely powerful communication practices that will set you apart from your competition.

Executives and Leaders always notice potential leaders by the way they communicate and show up.